Calculator Rentals |
TI-83 and TI-84 Calculators for Rent! |
Need a calculator for your math, science, or business class but don't want to spend $100 or more?
Neither does anyone else. Spend half as much (or less!) when you rent from the BHSU Math Club! For either all semester or just your exam! Classes: MATH-095, MATH-102, MATH-103, MATH-123, MATH-281, and above |
Need a Calculator for the Semester?Rental Fee: $25
Security Deposit: $25 (Total is $50 as cash or check) |
How it works:1. Print and fill out this rental agreement.
2. Go to the Math Assistance Center in the BHSU Library the SAME DAY with your complete rental agreement and $50 in cash (exact amount please!) or a check (made payable to BHSU Math Club) to pick up your calculator. 3. Return your undamaged calculator at the end of your math final exam. 4. Get back your $25 security deposit! |
Need a Calculator for Your Exam?Flat fee of $10
(Cash or check only! Checks can be made out to BHSU Math Club) |
How it works:1. Print and fill out this rental agreement.
2. Go to the Math Assistance Center in the Library within 24 hours of your exam to complete the agreement, pay the $10, and pick up your calculator. 3. Return the calculator at the end of the exam to the proctor (if in MATH 095, 102, 281). [Note: renting calculators for only exams is only set up for Math Classes taken with Professors Winter, Trimble, May, Garnett, Nag, Swenson, and Siewert. Any business classes, University Center classes, or science classes do not work with this. Sorry for the inconvenience! ] |
NOTE: If you can't print out the rental agreement, don't worry as copies can be made in the Math Assistance Center.