Mathematicians of the Day Presentations
We are reviving something that was done long ago at Math Club. At our meetings, someone will present about a mathematician who was born or died on the day of the meeting. This is a good way to broaden our mathematics literacy and touch on some famous people of the math world. Visit this site to see today's mathematician of the day!
Mathematician of the Day Presentation Schedule
September 21st, 2016 - Chrystal MacMillan

Allison gave a presentation of female mathematician Chrystal MacMillan (June 13th, 1872 - September 21st, 1937).
Here is a short biography:
Chrystal Macmillan was the first female science graduate at Edinburgh University and the first female honours graduate in Mathematics. She went on to study at Berlin. She was the first woman to plead a case before the House of Lords. She became active in the Women's Suffrage Movement and went on to become a lawyer.
Here is a short biography:
Chrystal Macmillan was the first female science graduate at Edinburgh University and the first female honours graduate in Mathematics. She went on to study at Berlin. She was the first woman to plead a case before the House of Lords. She became active in the Women's Suffrage Movement and went on to become a lawyer.
October 5th, 2016 - Reinhard Selten

Kerry gave a presentation about Nobel Prize winner Reinhard Selten (October 5th, 1930 - August 23rd, 2016).
Here is a short biography:
Reinhard Selten was a pioneer in game theory and experimental economics. He is the only German thus far to have won the Nobel Prize in economics. He lived in Germany during the Hitler-regime and was able to leave before all outbound traffic was banned--he was half-Jewish. This mathematician had received many awards and written some books after he won the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his work on game theory combined with economics.
Here is a short biography:
Reinhard Selten was a pioneer in game theory and experimental economics. He is the only German thus far to have won the Nobel Prize in economics. He lived in Germany during the Hitler-regime and was able to leave before all outbound traffic was banned--he was half-Jewish. This mathematician had received many awards and written some books after he won the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his work on game theory combined with economics.
October 19th, 2016 - John Miller

Dominique gave a presentation about mathematician John Miller (October 19th, 1871 - July 14th, 1956).
Here is a short biography:
John Miller was born in Glasgow, Scotland where he later studied and earned a Masters in Mathematics and Physics. He went on to Gottingen to continue studying mathematics. He taught in Germany for awhile, before returning to Scotland where he continued out his life with his wife. He retired at an early age so he could study the Classics, as he had a deep passion for them and wished to travel to places of Greek and Latin lore.
Here is a short biography:
John Miller was born in Glasgow, Scotland where he later studied and earned a Masters in Mathematics and Physics. He went on to Gottingen to continue studying mathematics. He taught in Germany for awhile, before returning to Scotland where he continued out his life with his wife. He retired at an early age so he could study the Classics, as he had a deep passion for them and wished to travel to places of Greek and Latin lore.
November 2nd, 2016 - George Boole

Brady gave a presentation about memorable mathematician George Boole (November 2nd, 1815 - December 8th, 1864).
Here is a short biography:
George Boole approached logic in a new way reducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics. He also worked on differential equations, the calculus of finite differences and general methods in probability.
Here is a short biography:
George Boole approached logic in a new way reducing it to a simple algebra, incorporating logic into mathematics. He also worked on differential equations, the calculus of finite differences and general methods in probability.
November 16th, 2016 - Gene Golub

Emma gave a presentation about American mathematician Gene Golub (February 29th, 1932 - November 16th, 2007).
Here is short biography:
Gene Golub was beloved by all fellow mathematicians. He wrote over 200 books and articles, won too many awards to list, and pursued all areas of mathematics, but focused mainly on statistics. He was a professor at Standford University until the day he died.
Here is short biography:
Gene Golub was beloved by all fellow mathematicians. He wrote over 200 books and articles, won too many awards to list, and pursued all areas of mathematics, but focused mainly on statistics. He was a professor at Standford University until the day he died.
November 30th, 2016 - Sir Henry Seville

McKenna gave a presentation about religious mathematician Sir Henry Serville
January 10th, 2017 - Donald Knuth

Heather gave a presentation about American mathematician Donald Knuth (born: January 10, 1938)
Here is a short biography:
Donald Knuth is an American mathematician most famous for inventing the LaTeX typesetting language.
Here is a short biography:
Donald Knuth is an American mathematician most famous for inventing the LaTeX typesetting language.
February 7th, 2017 - G. H. Hardy

Kerry gave a presentation about mathematician G. H. Hardy (February 7, 1877- December 1, 1947).
Here is a short biography:
Hardy's interests covered many topics of pure mathematics:- Diophantine analysis, summation of divergent series, Fourier series, the Riemann zeta function and the distribution of primes.
Here is a short biography:
Hardy's interests covered many topics of pure mathematics:- Diophantine analysis, summation of divergent series, Fourier series, the Riemann zeta function and the distribution of primes.
September 11th, 2017 - Euphemia Lofton Haynes

Abigail gave a presentation about mathematician Martha Euphemia Lofton Haynes (September 11, 1890 - July 25, 1980).
Here is a short biography:
Euphemia Lofton Haynes was an American mathematician and educator. She was the first African-American woman to gain a PhD in mathematics, from the Catholic University of America in 1943.
Here is a short biography:
Euphemia Lofton Haynes was an American mathematician and educator. She was the first African-American woman to gain a PhD in mathematics, from the Catholic University of America in 1943.
September 25th, 2017 - Johann Lambert

Jaelani gave a presentation about mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert (August 26, 1728 - September 25, 1777).
Here is a short biography:
J.H. Lambert was a Swiss polymath who made important contributions to the subjects of mathematics, physics (particularly optics), philosophy, astronomy and map projections.
Here is a short biography:
J.H. Lambert was a Swiss polymath who made important contributions to the subjects of mathematics, physics (particularly optics), philosophy, astronomy and map projections.
October 25, 2017 - David George Kendall

Kerry gave a presentation about mathematician David George Kendall (January 15, 1918 - October 23, 2007).
Here is a short biography:
David George Kendall was an English statistician and mathematician, known for his work on probability, statistical shape analysis, ley lines and queueing theory. He spent most of his academic life in the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
Here is a short biography:
David George Kendall was an English statistician and mathematician, known for his work on probability, statistical shape analysis, ley lines and queueing theory. He spent most of his academic life in the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.